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“Avinger is one of those rare artists who creates his own art... extraordinary beauty in the compositions that causes one to return again and again... a genuine originality that transcends style and pierces to the heart... the intelligence and beauty of a work that intends to be around for a long time.”

-- Aaron Howard, Public News

…some of the finest Texas Blues guitar you’ll hear on a jazzy CD – complex fret work made to sound smooth and easy… hints of Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, with Metheny and Coltrane blended into the melodies…the guitar work alone on these tracks make you yearn to see Erich Avinger live to examine how he gets his guitar to make these sounds…Overall, the sheer passion and joy of music comes through clearly on this diverse CD. Each track is finely crafted with complex yet melodic sounds.

--Austin Live

(Translated from Italian)

"A very unique and personal sound, a meld of different influences from Jazz to Rock, from World music to Flamenco, from New Age to Blues. Avinger has excellent technique, but his concert is not based on an easy spectacularity or virtuosity as an end to themselves, but rather on a continuous research of atmospheres, structures and musical paths in which to find new solutions and emotions... a very liberal approach to composition, outside of pre-established schemes, kinds and artist gifted by great intelligence and an absolutely personal style."

-- La Republica (Rome, Italy)

"Moments of easy octave leaps, scalular runs and singing legato builds to a hair-raising crescendo with Avinger unveiling his nastiest grunge tones before a rock-hungry audience at the Elephant Room in impressive instrumentalist.

-- Bill Milkowski, JazzTimes Magazine

"Having participated in scores of local recordings and virtually taught guitar to everyone in Houston, Erich Avinger has finally brought the penetrating melodies of his debut recording Heart Magic to the Houston stage at Rockefeller's...Erich provided a stunning aural presentation of shimmering mystical moods, gut-wrenching feedback, confident acoustic picking, electric blues, authentic jazz, avant garde panic and power pop in a breathtaking 70 minute set...provocative and inspired." "A shoo-in as winner of both the Best Electric and Acoustic Guitarist awards"

--- Houston Public News

"This is without a doubt one of the finest guitar based albums I've heard in a long time. Incredibly diverse, each piece seems to create it's own musical atmosphere...distinctive sound and style... His music is a study in understatement, filled with strong melodies, rich colorful harmonies, highlighted by delicate acoustic guitar picking...both complex, yet pure and uncomplicated... Si reveals influences from virtually every corner of the globe... brilliant"

--Ben Kettlewell, Heartsong Review

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